Mend fences while you can



Staying in touch with people is an art, a forgotten art. Exchanging wishes for wellbeing or, even calling up every now and then to ask a simple “how are you? What did you make for lunch today? What are your kids doing? How is the weather? Do you remember instances of our childhood? Do you happen to remember what amma used to make as her special? Do you remember the porch on which our grandmother narrated stories?”, “How is your health?”, “Will try to spend quality time with you when I visit you” – it makes a big difference in a small context. Calling to check on people indicates you care for people and importantly, the people you care for, are worthy of your time. Nothing more. Nothing less.

However, when the tradition of staying in touch is one sided, it leaves a sad feeling behind, something like “Does one matter at all?”

If there is anything, self has witnessed in the past few years – with all the money and comfort in the world, happiness cannot be bought without people around you, your own people. Don’t push away people, your own people. Old age is where you realize the brevity of human life and, the gravity of the statement – Money cannot buy happiness. And, comfort and luxury should not be mistaken for one.

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